Category Archives: illustrations


February 24, 2015

Ajna is the serenity chakra, related to the colour purple.
It represents our ability to focus and look within.


TinyOm Charity Project…

February 5, 2015

Funds from the TinyOm Charity Project, have made many contributions
that have directly benefitted the residents at Presence.
TinyOm contributions include the purchase of electronic tablets and computers, tricycles, and swimming chairs. We have also sponsored vacations and dental and orthopedic care, which are not covered by France’s social security. In addition, with the help of these funds,
Presence has completed a film on autism.

I am particularly fond of the most recent contribution, which ensured the creation of an in-house beauty salon that will be devoted to the pleasure and relaxation of the residents.

With Love!




Good Messages Dance!

December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Click on the video to dance with our cute little yogi TeenyTinyOm.

